To make sure we add your content to the correct location in the ISGE Educational Platform we would like you to fill out the form below. At this moment we already have the recording of the presentation, but we need to add some usefull information next to it. This form will be send to the ISGE secretariat and the ISGE webmaster.

Video publication ISGE educational platform
A valid emailaddres, in case we need some information regarding your submission
This is the name of the event during which you have presented
We need this, so we can match this information to the correct video
Full name(s) of the author(s). The will be published above the video
The affiliation information will be published below the names of the authors
This is the text that will be shown above the video
Add one or more keywords here. These will add to the findability of your presentation
The location on the ISGE-site in the syllabus where you want to place the presentation
Publication confirmation


Use your login / password to gain access to the membersarea of the ISGE-site.