The Jamaican meeting has been the first meeting of the new concept ISGE adopts for its conferences.
On March 20 and 21 operations were performed at the Hugh Wynter Fertility Center, Mona, Kingston at the University of the West Indies. These were taped and the non-edited videos were shown during the “nearly live” video sessions. This allows the surgeons to comments relaxed the different steps of the procedures and to stop the videos to answer specific questions of experts and go into discussion with the audience. Another great advantage is that the cost are greatly reduced. Bruno van Herendael as advisor Adel Shervin, Gunther Noe and Kurian Joseph as surgeon then did show the videos together with the local surgeons and did answer the questions.
The other novelty, already introduced during the Chennai ISGE meeting by Kurian Joseph were the interactive case presentations where specific cases are presented to the audience starting with the diagnosis followed by the treatment and the post-treatment to come to a consensus after discussion with the audience.
Both these types of sessions will be incorporated into the future congresses of ISGE.
The Hilton was an ideal setting for the housing of the participants and the conference. The audience was able to interact with the speakers during and after the lectures as everybody did stay at the hotel where the service during the coffee breaks in between the stands, the welcome cocktail and the dinners was exemplary.
The pre-conference courses have been a great success with lots of people attending the hysteroscopy course brought by Giuseppe Bigatti and Stefano Bettocchi. The room was literally too small for the event. Paya Pasic did take care of the two suture workshop stations. Bart De Vree, Alfonso Rossetti and Bruno van Herendael did certify twenty (20) applicants in the hand – eye LASTT certification. On the Storz Stand both Lilo Mettler and Omar Alhalaque did introduce lots of attendees to the virtual reality hysteroscopy.
The scientific program did deal with the expectations of the audience so that both the main sessions and the breakout sessions were very well attended.
The Hisham Arab price contest for the best Young Endoscopic Surgeon was of a high quality and will also be a permanent feature of our ISGE conferences.
The comments of the participants have been very positive to the extend that they did ask for a yearly event in the Caribbean.
ISGE did choose the Hugh Wynter Fertility Center at Mona Kingston a the center of Excellence for the ISGE Accreditation in the Central American region. The center does have two theatres equipped for direct live transmission to the auditorium of the center and trainees in the auditorium can ask questions during the operations.
ISGE is very proud to be involved a collaboration with in the Caribbean Association for Gynecologic Endoscopic Surgeons and looks forward to a positive relationship in the future.

Nearly Live surgery of pelvic floor repair. Our President Elect Paya, quite interested, did jump onto the stage to ask a very precise question on the exact position of the suture.

Nearly Live The secretary of CAGES John Harriot explaining an adhesiolysis performed two day before.

Omar introducing Prof Jean Marie Kasia – organizer of the 2018 annual meeting in Yaoundé Cameroon – who came over to present the 2018 meeting to the virtual reality trainer hysteroscopy on the Karl Storz stand.

Bart De Vree explaining the use of the 30° scope during the exercises for the certification of the LASTT Eye-Hand coordination.

An interested audience during the clinical case presentation.

Greetings from the AAGL by Franklin Löffer Medical Director AAGL.

Immediate Past President Bruno van Herendael between the Vice-President CAGES to his left and the President Cages Vernon DaCosta to his right. CAGES has been the driving force behind this ISGE conference. The secretary of CAGES Hugh Wynter is missing on this photo.

Our Honorary Member and member of the ISGE Senate Harry Reich did deliver the first Ornella Sizzi Memorial Lecture on Endometriosis.
Best regards,
Rob O’Shea Bruno van Herendael
President ISGE Medical Director ISGE