Hisham Arab Prize 2021
At 1400 hours of 27 August 2021 the Hisham Arab Prize session was held at room Brac III of Le Meridien Hotel in Split, Croatia.
5 contestants met the criteria for inclusion in this competition, & because of the absence of the Macedonia speaker, only 4 competed for the prize. 2 judges (Dr Paya Resad & Dr Hisham Arab) along with 5 referees from the audience who also participated in the contestant’s evaluation.
Criteria used for judging the presentation included: originality of the work, level of technique or methodology, relevance to our practice, benefit to the patient, and quality of slides & sound.
Out of 100 marks the following marking was attained by the contestants:
- Robert Carey, from Australia = 84%
- Megan Cesta, from USA = 81%
- Tanvir Carey, from India = 66%
- Anne Sophie Maryns, from Belgium = 59%
The name of the winner who was announced at the closing ceremony on Sunday 29 August 2021 was:
Dr Robert Carey, from Australia, for his presentation titled: Use of Regenerative Medicine for management of Vaginal Mesh.
Please note that because all the presentations were recorded for virtual competition during this covid time of difficult travel, I still have the plaque and the awarded monetary prize of $1000.00 till the winner respond to the ISGE secretariat to receive his Prize.
Thank you
ISGE EXCO member
2018 Contest in Cameroon
Once again, Hisham Arab Prize is up for grab!
If you are a Young Laparoscopist under the age of 40 you are entitled to compete at the YES session of the next ISGE Annual Meeting which will be held in Yaoundé, Cameroon during the period 24 – 27 April 2018. The session will be judged by 3 experts to identify the best presentation. At the closing Ceremony, the winner will be awarded Hisham Arab Prize consisting of $1000 in cash and the trophy.
2017 Winner

The ISGE-CAGES and the University of West Indies, Mona International Congress was held on March 21-25, 2017 at Hilton Rose Hall Hotel, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
5 papers from Jamaica were presented in the Young Endoscopists Stage (YES) session which was judged by Prof. Bruno Van Herendael, Prof. Vernon DaCosta, and Prof. Hisham Arab. The winner was Dr. Michelle Baily (Female 32 yrs old) from Jamaica, and her paper titled “Polyps, MIGS and Infertility”.

2016 Winner
The Prize is awarded once a year. Just submit your paper to the YES session and you may win the Prize. The prize is composed of 1000 USD in cash and a Trophy which are presented to the winner at the closing ceremony of the congress.
Prize Winners.