INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Yaoundé – April 23-27, 2018
The ISGE – AFSGE annual meetin in Yaoundé was a huge succes. With a number off 1044 registrants this MIGS meeting has beaten every record and was the largest meeting in West Africa in the field of MIGS.
The scientific program with 36 sessions in four different lecture halls was declared outstanding by the participants. The nearly live and live sessions and especially the Clinical case sessions were highly appreciated by the participants who did ask many pertinent questions. The YES session were a very high standard so that it became very difficult at the end to select a winner the difference was of only 0,5 point.
The Key note lectures on “Is Endometriosis a progressive Disease” – by Adel Shervin did demonstrate that endometriosis is a progressive disease – the one on “Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy” by our member of the Senate and Honorary Member Lip Kee Yap was special as he did translate his English text in French and brought the translation on the slides alongside the English version – the one on “Is Ovarian Cancer a Tubal Disease” by our member of the Senate and Honorary Member Victor Gomel did clearly demonstrate that tubes have to be removed at the time of hysterectomy as 80% of the cancers do originate in the fimbriva of the tubes.
Discussing the precongress workshops

Opening ceremony

During the EXCO – Board meeting on April 24 lively discussions on the future of the society took place whilst discussing the report of the Medical Director under guidance of the president Rob O’Shea.
The ISGE stand did attract many participants.
Our director of the Membership Committee Hisham Arab did bring the stand all the way from Saoudi Arabia and the stand was manned by a medical student bilingual French and English.

Victor Gomel was elected as Honorary Member ISGE and the plaque was handed to him by our president Rob O’Shea. You have to excuse Rob’ dressing as Air France did loose his luggage in Paris during the stop over and he never got his bag in Yaoundé.
The winner of Hisham Arab Prizeat the 2018 Annual ISGE meeting was: Dr. T. De Dieu Tchantchou from Gabon. 39 yrs old. His paper presented at YES session titled:
- 10 applied with abstracts this year for the YES competition.
- 2 no show;
- 8 delivered their presentations over 2 days in front of 5 judges.
The winner scored the highest mark. ISGE is persistent for the 3rd year now of giving out Hisham Arab Prize ($1000 cash and a trophy) to encourage Young Endoscopist to present research at its Annual Meetings. Next will be the 2019 Annual ISGE Meeting in Cape Town, South Africa.

During the closing ceremony four of the faculty members were honoured with the the title of “Chevalier dans l’ordre de la valeur du Cameroun” – Victor Gomel – honorary member ISGE , previous secretary of ISGE – Frank Loffer AAGL Medical director – Rob O’Shea, president ISGE – Bruno van Herendael, immediate past president now Medical Directors ISGE and one of the founders of ISGE.
Prof. Jean Marie Kasia was promoted to “Commandeur dans l’order de la Valeur du Cameroun.”
The day after the congress a party, under the leadership of Prof JM Kasia, visited the Gorilla sanctuary in the jungle some 80 km from Yaoundé.