Enjoy the latest issue of the Hysteroscopy Newsletter.

I started 14 years ago in the wondrous world of hysteroscopy and I set a goal, as well as a challenge for myself, to make gynecologists understand that blind procedures on the uterine cavity carry a big risk and have various limitations, that only hysteroscopy surpasses.

Along with my professor, Dr. Alfonso Arias, we calculated in total around 170 physicians trained in the technique, of which, only 10% apply it on a daily basis. Hysteroscopy is done in the private sector, and is nonexistent in the public one, which is where the vast majority of people receive care, and is also where the future specialists are taught and molded without this technique in their repertoire.

After years of studying, most specialists know the benefits and indications of hysteroscopy, which is why an increasing amount of patients are benefiting from this method. Nonetheless, many patients have already gone through blind procedures.
Why? Due to professionals ego of wanting to solve cases with what they were taught, and the need for work.
(read more in the newsletter…)

Milcíades Albert F.
Dominican Republic


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