ISGE is not just a well-established, global, reputable, accessible, and scientific society. Its multifaceted resourceful nature created an encyclopedia of its own as a valued source of reliable information compiled by experts in printed as well as digital versions, and dispensed in a multilingual format of English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Chinese.

Its amazing alphabetical compilation may fascinate you with letters like this:
Accreditation program, Blogs and social media channels, Conferences, Facts views and vision journal, Guidelines on safe laparoscopic entry, Opus newsletter, Syllabus on laparoscopic procedures online, Trocar open access journal, Webinars all year around, and YES seductive features to encourage young laparoscopists worldwide.

Dear ISGE Member, don’t miss on any of that, make use of the ISGE Encyclopedia, and if your membership is about to expire, please login into your account and renew in one touch. If not a member, simply join us and have friends who care.


Hisham Arab


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