Enjoy the latest issue of the Hysteroscopy Newsletter.

Dear hysteroscopy friends,
A new year means a new opportunity for a new start, a new year is an opportunity to initiate new projects, to find new illusions, to set the ambitious “New year resolutions”. It is something that has always been like this. But this year, it is something that is happening with more force.
After leaving a disastrous year 2020 behind, we ALL want to believe that 2021 will be better, that it will be a different year and that it will come loaded with new illusions. This is how we have understood it from Hysteroscopy Newsletter and thus we decided starting from the previous issue to give a new direction to our publication. A publication that begins its seventh season and reinvents itself with the idea of serving as an information and training channel for all hysteroscopists on this crazy planet.

In this new issue that you now are holding in your hands we wanted to focus on submucous fibroids, a pathology that affects more than 50% of women
throughout their lives and is responsible for symptoms such as abnormal uterine bleeding, chronic pelvic pain and infertility. In this issue, you will find the opinion of great experts in the field on this common pathology, you will find relevant information on how to treat it correctly, in a precise way and without damaging the healthy endometrial tissue that is located around them. Terms such as pseudocapsule, hydro-masage,
sonohysterogram, enucleation, monoclonal, submucosal, vascularization, morcellation, and myolysis among other, are terms commonly associated with
submucosal fibroids, terms that you will discover between the pages of this monograph.

In short, this new issue of Hysterosocpy Newsletter, is a short summary focusing on submucosal fibroids, explained in a clear and “fresh” way, with
everything you need to know to tackle this pathology. A small manual on fibroids that from Hysteroscopy Newsletter we are sure you will enjoy.
Our goal is simple… to share the knowledge of the great minds of our field in a simple way.

The coordinators, the editorial committee and the members of the scientific committee wish you an excellent 2021… full of health, peace, love…
and hysteroscopy.

Take care,
Luis Alonso Pacheco, MD
(read more in the newsletter…)


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