ISGE Newsitems
Bringing MIGS to every patient (May, 2022)
Hendrik Mondelaers2023-10-30T14:10:34+01:00ISGE at its annual meeting in Agadir, May 18-21, 2022
ISGE Newsitems
ISGE at its annual meeting in Agadir, May 18-21, 2022
Held during the Annual Meeting in Agadir, Friday May 20, 2022
Convention Centre Hyatt Agadir, Friday May 20, 2022
From the Annual Meeting in Split 2021, 7 video's for the prize...
We hope you've joined the ISGE at its Annual Meeting in Split 2021, August 27-29
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Insight by Rahul Manchanda (Ed.)
Surgery in cases of MAP focused on surgery of endometriosis and hysteroscopy both diagnostic and operative
During the evolutionary phases of the SARS – CoV – 2 (COVID 19) pandemic
With guidelines when performing a laparoscopy
From our EXCO member dr Jianming Song
The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy was formed in 1988. We fulfill the need for a scientific group who meets at regular intervals to share their knowledge and expertise in gynecologic endoscopy. The ISGE-website was formed by Tamer Seckin, MD in 2004.
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