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Conservative management of ectopic pregnancy


Information Authors: O. Sizzi, A. Rossetti The ectopic pregnancy is a possible life threatening condition. Only if the beta-HCG level is below 5000 IU and the increase of the beta-HCG has not been not [...]

Conservative management of ectopic pregnancy2023-11-01T13:12:57+01:00

Adhesiolysis and salpingectomy for endometriosis


Information Authors: O. Sizzi, Alfonso Rossetti The video shows the case of a patient who had had a previous right adnexectomy for a simple dermoid cyst. She had a tender mass at the left [...]

Adhesiolysis and salpingectomy for endometriosis2023-11-01T13:16:12+01:00

Hybrid mini laparoscopy salpingectomy


Information Authors: O. Sizzi, A. Rossetti Minilaparoscopy surgery usually uses 3 or 2 mm instruments. The benefits of this kind of technique and instruments is the exploiting at maximum the advantages of minimal invasive [...]

Hybrid mini laparoscopy salpingectomy2023-11-01T15:29:05+01:00

Live ectopic pregnancy in ovary: laparoscopic management


Information Authors: Dr Meenu Agarwal Live ectopic pregnancy in ovary: laparoscopic management. The video presents a case of live ovarian ectopic diagnosed on ultrasound. Ovarian ectopic pregnancies are rare 0.7/100 ectopic pregnancies. This [...]

Live ectopic pregnancy in ovary: laparoscopic management2023-11-01T15:31:55+01:00

Adnexectomy for multiple mucinous cysts


Information Authors: A. Rossetti, O. Sizzi This video shows the technique of adnexectomy. The patient was affected by multiple mucinous cysts. Adnexectomy can be performed coagulating and cutting the adnexal vessels starting both from [...]

Adnexectomy for multiple mucinous cysts2023-11-01T15:44:54+01:00


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