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Kissing Myomas with KS MiniResectoscope in an Office setting


Information Author: Dr. S. Bettocchi The video shows the case of two kissing myomas occluding the cervix and the cavity, usually treated with the26 Fr resectoscope in the OR under general anesthesia. The myomas [...]

Kissing Myomas with KS MiniResectoscope in an Office setting2023-11-02T16:37:41+01:00

Ligation of uterine artery before laparoscopic myomectomy


Information Author: Dr. S. Selva Performing ligation of uterine artery before laparoscopic myomectomy has several advantages. Firstly it reduces bleeding during the surgery. Secondly, it will shrink small fibroids that were missed during [...]

Ligation of uterine artery before laparoscopic myomectomy2023-11-02T16:40:56+01:00


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